Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to Make Every Day in 2012 Count

Every year when we reach this day, the LAST day of the year, we tend to reflect on all of our accomplishments, failures, friendships made, relationships lost, milestones achieved, changes made and the fun we had along the way.  Some of us successfully logged these moments on our iPhones or digital cameras and have already started putting together photo books on Shutterfly so that we can laugh and reminisce about all the good times we had.  Others remain in paralyzing thought about the past, what could have, should have or would have been done differently.  

Well, you're in luck - 2011 has come and gone, the past is in the past, and 2012 is rapidly approaching us - in 10 hours and 22 minutes to be exact.  What will you do this year to help create a photobook of memories?  Do you want to keep taking pictures of the SAME events and faces in 2012?  How will you create new memories and new opportunities for yourself?  If you are like a lot of other people, just thinking about an entire year of action and change is overwhelming - so I've broken it down into a few simple steps.

1.  Reflect and Move On:  I am a firm believer in knowing where you came from in order to get to where you want to go.  As a teacher and coach I engage in quite a bit of reflective practice as a way to evaluate what worked, what didn't work so well, whether I met my goals, where I was reactive and where I was proactive.  Reflection is an opportunity to tweak specific behaviors and action steps so that the same mistakes are not repeated twice.  It creates an opportunity to move in a forward direction in the future.

2.   Create a Purpose:  Life is all about growing, learning and creating a unique you both on the inside and the outside.  You see, we've all been given the ability to be whomever we want to be, but it's up to us to go out there and discover our true selves.  It's up to us to visualize and remain focused on our life purpose and our career purpose.  Having a purpose creates focus and direction and lays down the yellow brick road that leads us on the journey of life.  Your life can be what you want it to be, what you are willing to go out and get!  I'd like to share my life purpose with you as it is what drives me everyday:  To serve my husband, my daughter, my family and all others in the most compassionate, uplifting, inspirational, kind manner possible and leave the world and the lives of others in a better place.

3. Develop a Plan:  Once you've engaged in a bit of reflective practice and you've thought about and made your life purpose REAL, it's time to create a PLAN for the future.  Sadly, the majority of people I meet don't know if they're coming or if they're going and they are very fixated on what everyone else is doing.  Reality tv has us so caught up in the lives of others that we rarely take the necessary time, effort, and energy to create our own plan.  Yeah, sure, people are good at planning a family vacation or a night out on the town with friends, but do people really know what they want from their life, when they want to achieve their goals and how they're going to make it all happen?  Get out a piece of paper and a pencil, your laptop, your iPad or your device of choice and start THINKING and WRITING it out.  Be amazed at the clarity, focus, balance, and peace of mind it will give you as you move forward into 2012.

4.  Create a Support Team: We were all created with varying abilities and expertise - we all have different likes and we all have a unique way of doing things.  As we reach 2012, whatever we think of has more than likely already been done by someone else.  The key is to do it better, to do it differently, to put our own spin on it and to GET SUPPORT in doing so.  When I decided to start my own business I had no clue where to start.  My initial thought was "What resources do I have and what resources do I need to make this happen?"  And that's exactly what I did.  I met with a financial advisor, I hired a business coach, I called a PR genius in Chicago, I talked to other business owners, I visited the Small Business Center in my town, I scoured the Internet for anything I could find that might allow me to work on my own personal development, I listed to free coaching calls from some of the top coaches in the world and I told my friends about my ideas and asked for their feedback.  You see, I knew what I wanted and I was also aware of the importance of a support team.  I was able to put my business plan together and whip myself into shape in just a few short weeks. 

5.  Stay Positive: What we speak comes from what we think, how we act comes directly from what we speak.  You see, it's all connected.  77% of what we hear starting from a young school age is negative.  Our teachers, our parents, our friends, the television, the radio, books, movies, boyfriends, girlfriends all say words like "can't", "don't", "but", "if only", "hope", "never", "always", "try", "however", "might", "would", "should", "could", "won't".  Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction - that what we think we attract?  How we think about ourselves is what we become - how we think of others is what we will attract.  Our minds have the ability to talk us into or out of anything.  One way to create a habit of staying positive is to write out and say positive affirmations daily.  Positive affirmations change the way we think and feel about things which results in easily and naturally created positive change.

Start today and get right with yourself, get right with 2012 and what you will manifest for yourself in the next 12 months and beyond!

Contact Megan today for a free introductory coaching session if you are ready to make a change and succeed in 2012.

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